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You & Your Mother - Evening

You & Your Mother
Thursday Evening

May 18th - June 22nd, 2023
7:30 PM - 9:30 PM Pacific Time

Prerequisites: female students who have completed Meditation 1

As women, our relationship with our mothers affects us deeply, often in an unconscious way. We are grateful for many things our mothers have taught us, but we are also separate entities with unique goals. In this class, start to say “hello” to your mother’s energy in your space and begin to release that which no longer serves you, including emotional energy, expectations, invalidation, perfect pictures and more.

Get more information on our Women’s classes

This six-week class meets once a week for 2 hours. Arrive 30 minutes early to receive an aura healing and run your energy.

This class is offered online.

Teacher: Rev. Paula Ogden

Please note that this class is open to female students who have completed Meditation 1.

You & Your Mother Class
Sale Price: $235.00 Original Price: $300.00
May 18

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